Practice Area Details
The firm assists clients in estate planning, estate settlement, tax treaty relief applications, and tax assessments. With the Firm’s extensive knowledge on the matter, we are able to provide competent tax advisories for a variety of commercial transactions, and are able to provide the most tax efficient structure to maximize the client’s resources.
GSMH Law is bound by professional ethics, as outlined in the Code of Professional Responsibility and Accountability (A.M. No. 22-09-01-SC). We ensure that any information relayed to us and advice given thereon in the course of, or with a view to, professional employment shall be kept privileged and confidential. This includes communications undertaken in person, through telephone or mobile phone, or through electronic messaging, such as emails, our social media accounts, and other online instant messaging platforms. In addition, we undertake to maintain, respect, and protect your privacy in accordance with our Data Privacy Policy.